Friday, April 16, 2010

Development of Aquaculture in Indonesia

The development of fisheries is basically emphasized on capture fisheries and aquaculture included post harvest. Prior to 1980’s the development of fisheries was emphasized more on capture fisheries rather than on aquaculture. However, started in 1980’s the government has paid more attention on aquaculture development owing to its capability to provide fish for human consumption of hinterland communities. It was evident that introducing freshwater race way pond systems in 1980 was soon adopted by fish farmers. Then banning of trawl fishing in 1980 through the issuance of Presidencial Decree No. 39/1980 has encouraged shrimp culture development in brackishwater.

In 1980’s, cultured shrimp increased rapidly and shrimp was a prime commodity and played an important role in increasing foreign exchange. By the year 1990 mariculture began to develop; even though it was limited to seaweed culture. The foreign exchange increased considerably. And then the development of seaweed culture was followed by a successful development of pearl culture.

Currently the spirit to develop mariculture is gradually increasing because mariculture business especially groupers culture has proved to be profitable and considerably increase foreign exchange.

Anticipating the degradation of fish resources due to over exploitation the government has decided to devide fisheries development into capture fisheries and aquaculture. This is policy to improve renewable fish resources by controlling fishing and encouraging aquaculture.

Indonesia has a totsl potential area devoted for aquaculture of about 26.606.000 Ha comprises 1.165.000 Ha for freshwater aquaculture, 913.000 Ha for brackishwater aquaculture, and 24.528.000 Ha for mariculture. It is expected that Indonesia would be a leading country in producing large amount of cultured fish. In 2000, the existing pond area was 654.351 Ha and total cage culture amounted to 160,189 units. Of the total fish pond area of 654.351 Ha, 235.069 Ha was devoted to freshwater aquaculture, and 419.282 Ha to brackishwater aquaculture. Of the total 160,189 units of fish cages, there were 122.776 units of marine fish cages and 37,413 units of freshwater fish cages. So there is still a large potential and promising areas to be devoted to development of aquaculture in Indonesia.

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“Dan jika kamu menghitung-hitung nikmat Allah, niscaya kamu tidak dapat menentukan jumlahnya. Sesungguhnya Allah benar-benar Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.” (Q.S. an-Nahl: 18).

“Dan tiap-tiap orang memperoleh derajat (seimbang) dengan apa yang dikerjakannya. Dan Tuhanmu tidak lengah dari apa yang mereka kerjakan.” (Q.S Al-An’ aam : 132).

diriwayatkan dari Asma binti Abu Bakar ra. : Nabi Muhammad Saw pernah bersabda, "jangan kau tahan uangmu (untuk bersedekah sebab bila kau lakukan itu), Allah akan menahan Anugerah-Nya darimu". (H.R Al Bukhari)

“Kebajikan yang ringan adalah menunjukkan muka berseri-seri dan mengucapkan kata-kata yang lembut” ― Umar bin Khattab

Tahan menderita kepahitan hidup sehingga penderitaan menjadi kekayaan adalah bahagia. (Hamka Ali bin Abi Thalib)



“Beri aku sesuatu yang sulit, dan aku akan belajar.” ~Andrea Hirata~

Orang yang mulia adalah orang yang sibuk mencari kekurangan diri sendiri dan memperbaikinya.(Abdullah Gymnastiar)

Tugas kita bukanlah untuk berhasil. Tugas kita adalah untuk mencoba, karena didalam mencoba itulah kita menemukan dan belajar membangun kesempatan untuk berhasil(Mario Teguh)

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. (Steve Jobs)

You've always been a very special only one (Jatilaksono)