Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Technology (become) rules the world

Nowadays, the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make? Has this become a positive or negative development? It is true that nowadays technology rules the world. Undoubtedly, human interaction has been influenced through introduction of new technological devices. Obviously, there are positive and negative impacts on people communicaton, that technology is responsible for. First of all, absolute advantage is that technology makes the world move faster. To support, speed of daily business interactions increasing all the time. Internet, mobile phones, online conferences significantly saves time on solving any business issues such as contract agreement, recruitment procedures or client attraction. Introduction of new software or modified machines boosts volumes of production as well as it saves time. Moreover, technology overcomes distance obstacle tremendously. For instance, use of mobile phones, internet provides people with the opportunity to find new friends all over the world, without leaving own apartment and stay connected with relatives while studying or working abroad. On the other hand, introduction and popularity of new technological devices may have harmful impact on human interaction. It is mentioned that people prefer spending their time using personal gadgets over real face to face communication. This problem has already become global issue. Many governmental bodies introduce social advertising campaign in order to attract attention to the problem of declining rate of face-to-face communication. Additionally, it is known that more and more people at work are now being replaced by machines. As a result working environment of a regular employee is changed, and common area of interaction is limited to number of machines instead of coworkers. Technology, like two sided coin, has positive and negative impacts on people communication. However, undoubtedly, negative side of the issue is being overweighed by positive one. Because development of new technology is a result of mankind evolution. Updated technology provide greater opportunities in any field will it be personal or business. In general, technology positively and negatively affects human interaction. However positive impacts overweight negative ones.

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“Dan jika kamu menghitung-hitung nikmat Allah, niscaya kamu tidak dapat menentukan jumlahnya. Sesungguhnya Allah benar-benar Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.” (Q.S. an-Nahl: 18).

“Dan tiap-tiap orang memperoleh derajat (seimbang) dengan apa yang dikerjakannya. Dan Tuhanmu tidak lengah dari apa yang mereka kerjakan.” (Q.S Al-An’ aam : 132).

diriwayatkan dari Asma binti Abu Bakar ra. : Nabi Muhammad Saw pernah bersabda, "jangan kau tahan uangmu (untuk bersedekah sebab bila kau lakukan itu), Allah akan menahan Anugerah-Nya darimu". (H.R Al Bukhari)

“Kebajikan yang ringan adalah menunjukkan muka berseri-seri dan mengucapkan kata-kata yang lembut” ― Umar bin Khattab

Tahan menderita kepahitan hidup sehingga penderitaan menjadi kekayaan adalah bahagia. (Hamka Ali bin Abi Thalib)



“Beri aku sesuatu yang sulit, dan aku akan belajar.” ~Andrea Hirata~

Orang yang mulia adalah orang yang sibuk mencari kekurangan diri sendiri dan memperbaikinya.(Abdullah Gymnastiar)

Tugas kita bukanlah untuk berhasil. Tugas kita adalah untuk mencoba, karena didalam mencoba itulah kita menemukan dan belajar membangun kesempatan untuk berhasil(Mario Teguh)

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. (Steve Jobs)

You've always been a very special only one (Jatilaksono)